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Purpose Driven Financial Coaching

"We help you and your family create a holistic financial strategy that is built on your unique purpose and personal values."

Have You Ever Experienced:

  • Stress in your marriage as a result of your financial habits

  • Confusion about how to get ahead financially

  • Social spending pressure to keep up with friends & neighbors

  • Uncertainty with taxes and interest

  • Self-doubt in saving for the future

We’re the overstepping accountants that help you in every area of your financial lives!

We've Helped Hundreds of Clients Achieve

Financial Literacy

It doesn't matter where you start your financial journey at. Our goal is to make sure you have the foundational fundamentals in place and continue to educate you all along your financial journey. This could be as simple as learning to balance a checkbook and creating a budget or doing more advanced tax strategy planning. Either way we want to make sure you have the tools and resources to hit your ultimate goal!

Financial Confidence

One of the easiest ways to gain Financial Confidence is to start getting some results on the goals you've set! Our job is to help you stay focused and accountable to execute on your customized plan. This may be paying off student loans and getting out of debt, creating an emergency savings fund, or the implementation of the advanced tax strategies we discuss!

Financial Independence

Did you know that Financial Independence has different meanings for everyone? For some people this could mean having income streams that exceed monthly living expenses and not having to work another day. For others, it's the option to live your life how you want when you want without having to worry about finances. Maybe you want to leave the job that you dread going to every day or maybe you love your job and want to spend more time traveling with friends and family. You get to decide what Financial Independence means to you!

Schedule a Free Consultation

(618) 594-1192

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© 2021 Kingdom Financial LLC

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